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The best way to find out if your design works, or will work, for your users, is through usability testing. During U-testing, representative users from your user groups work on pre-defined tasks with your product. You can watch the testing live or through video and see for yourself what works and what does not work in your product!

UIanswers can design and conduct usability tests with the following deliverables
  • Video results
  • Detailed interpretations of test data
  • Recommendations for improving the design
We can conduct effective U- tests at any stage of the design. Paper prototype testing is inexpensive, saves development time and very effective if done right. Our experience with this form of testing will allow you to make iterative design changes at a low cost.
Further in the design process, u-tests can be conducted on hi-fidelity prototypes and live products.

UIanswers also conducts comparative u-testing as a part of competitive assessment for your product
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