UIanswers Usable and accessible interface solutions
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I. Evaluating for Usability                                                                      
1-day Training Session

 This training can be customized specifically for your products for maximum benefit

The session will include

  • Effective techniques and strategies for user interface evaluation
  • Simple yet successful methods for evaluating paper prototypes
  • Strategies for comparative analysis
  • Hands-on evaluation using customized examples 

 II. Usability: Why, Where, When and HOW                                         
2-day workshop  

  • What is the best way to incorporate usability into the product life cycle? 
  • If 'the best way' is not feasible on my project, how can I still make it work so the project can be in-time and on-budget? 

 This workshop will address these and similar questions, while providing participants with details of the user centered design process - from concept modeling to design to implementation.  Interaction design, user feedback and strategies for successful implementation will be emphasized.

UIanswers also offers training workshops related to the accessibility of your products.

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