UIanswers Usable and accessible interface solutions
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Can your product or web site be used by some one with a disability? Can a user who is blind make a purchase from your e-commerce site? If not, what are the consequences that affect you? Do you lose market share or do you stand to lose more? What is the law?

UIanswers has answers to all those questions and more! We offer accessibility training and consulting focused specifically on Section 508 requirements for the Windows and Web environment, to assist you in removing any roadblocks for federal sales.

I. 1-day Training Session
Creating Accessible Applications

Audience: Developers, Technical Writers, Usability, QA, Marketing
  • Introduction to the principles and concepts of accessibility
  • Examples of functional limitations, problems in technology use, design issuesm
  • Overview of accessibility guidelines and standards, details on Section 508
  • Techniques to identify and understand accessibility issues in software
  • Strategies for designing accessible interfaces
II. 2 hour + questions seminar
Aiming for Accessible Products

Audience: Executives and Managers
  • Introduction to accessibility and universal design
  • Current regulatory environment, specifically Section 508, will be addressed
  • Strategies for incorporating accessibility into your organization processes
This seminar can also be customized and made available in an on-line format. Questions will be answered on-line directly if scheduled or through e-mail, same business day.

III. 3 day Mentoring sessions
Windows and Web-based Interfaces

  • Individualized, small group sessions
  • Will cover accessibility evaluation techniques of software and web
  • Hands-on experience in using various tools in evaluating for Section 508 compliance
  • Reporting templates provided and design techniques for common problems will be discussed
IV. 3-5 days Accessibility reviews Individual Product Consultations
individual product consultations will include the following activities and deliverables

  • Complete Product Evaluation for Section 508 compliance

  • Deliverable: Prioritized Evaluation Report
  • Working with the development team to identify accessible design solutions
    Deliverable: Accessible design recommendations
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